Current Job Openings/Volunteer opportunities
Current volunteer opportunities:
*Collecting Duck Flurry sponsors and prizes for 2023
*Working WGC registered shoots
*Working the 2023 Duck Flurry
*General help with maintenance and club operations
* brush pickup
* mowing/trimming
* stand maintenance
2023 WiDNR Grant - new 5-stand |
*Seeking help with
-Electrical work
-Concrete flatwork
-Bobcat/Skidsteer help
- Fence moving and extension
Thank you to all our current and past volunteers!
Clubhouse Renovations
-Seeking donations now to update and improve our current clubhouse.
-The WGC board has started the donation fund with $5,000 toward clubhouse renovations.
-We will accept monetary donations, supplies, construction materials, or donated services.
-There is a donation box available in the clubhouse or speak with one of your board members to arrange donations of goods and services.
-Please help your club reach its goal of improving the club in functionality and aesthetics.